博士,副教授,多年从事Web数据挖掘、Web应用技术、语义网络、智能科学、云计算、物联网、信息与控制系统等领域研究工作。近4、5年来,在国际著名会议、国内外学科级刊物上发表科研论文30余篇,其中SCI收录1篇,EI收录23篇,ISTP收录15篇,参加国际重要学术交流5次。担任重庆市、河北省、江苏省自然科学基金项目评审、多个国际会议及刊物的论文评审专家,主持和主研国家、市、校级科研项目10余项,参编教材4部。曾获学校优秀教学成果奖1项,学校科技成果奖、优秀学术论文奖8项。 主要经历:1989.7- 1994.6,在能源部下的一煤科院研究所从事煤矿安全生产的监测监控智能产品研发工作, 研究骨干。2000.9-2001.7,复旦大学计算机科学系施伯乐导师指导下,访问学者。同时参加了两项国家自然科学基金项目《电子图书馆相关关键技术》、《数据挖掘》的研究。2003.9-2008.6,西南大学南宫娱乐
,从事教学与科研工作。 在近4、5年科研方面,开展了专业领域的多方面的研究工作:(1)主持了西南大学博士基金项目《基于Web的文本挖掘关键技术研究》,2008.5-2011.4;(2)主持了西南大学教改项目《网络教学评价研究与实践》,2008.8-2010.7;(3)主研了由中科院领衔的国家973项目《语义网格的基础理论、模型与方法研究》的子项目《基于语义网格的资源服务协同发现研究》,2006.6-2009.5;(4)主研了教育部中央高校专项基金项目《语义网格环境下基于RSM的学习资源互操作研究》,2009.12-2012.12;(5)主研了校与市级多项教改项目。 近期已发表的主要学术论文目录: 1. Yin, S.Q.; Wang,W.; Model Research of Chinese Text Classification on Network Environment, An International Journal of Research and Surveys~ICIC Express Letters, 2011.9, EI indexed: NO. 20113714320718 2. Yin, S.Q.; Chen,W.L.; Wang, W.; Network Teaching Intelligent Evaluation Method Research on Fuzzy Comprehensive Judgment, ICIC Express Letters~An International Journal of Research and Surveys, 2011.4,Vol5,No4B, p1255~1210, EI indexed: NO. 20111113744307 3. Yin, S.Q.; Wan, B.; Qiu, Y.H.; Chen, W.L.; A Web Text Fuzzy Classification Algorithm on Fuzzy Comprehensive Weighted Evaluation Reasoning, 4th International Conference on Innovative Computing Information and Control, 2009 .12, p1114~1117, EI indexed: NO. 20101712894194 4. Yin, S.Q.; Chen, W.L.; Qin,X.T.; Research on Semantic Network Image Retrieval Method, 2009 International Conference on Future BioMedical Information Engineering, 2009.12, p449~452, EI indexed: NO. 20101112764563 & ISTP 5. Yin, S.Q.; Wang, F.; Qiu, Y.H.; Study of Chinese Text Classification Algorithm on Semantic Web, International Symposium on Intelligent Information Technology Application, 2008.12, p387~391, EI indexed: NO. 20091311977409 & ISTP indexed: NO. 000263690400093 6. Yin, S.Q.; Qiu,Y.H.; Ge, J.K.; Wang, F.; A Chinese Text Classification Approach Based on Semantic Web, 4th Internation Conference on Sematnics, Knowledge and Grid, 2008.12, p497~498, EI indexed: NO. 20090911934070 7. Yin, S.Q.; Huang, Z.X.; Chen, L.; Qiu, Y.H.; A approach for text classification feature dimensionality reduction and rule generation on rough set, 3rd International Conference on Innovative Computing Information and Control, 2008.6, p554~557, EI indexed: NO. 084011617415 8. Yin, S.Q.; Wang,F.; Xie, Z.; Qiu, Y.H.; Study on Web~page classification algorithm based on rough set theory, International Symposium on Information Processing, ISIP 2008 and International Pacific Workshop on Web Mining and Web~Based Application, WMWA 2008.5,p202~206, EI indexed: NO. 083811576180 & ISTP indexed: NO. BHZ19 9. Yin, S.Q.; Qiu, Y.H.; Ge, J.K.; Research and Realization of Text Mining Algorithm on Web, International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security , 2007.12, p413~416, EI Indexed:NO. 083911602838 & ISTP Indexed:NO. BHN69 10. Yin, S.Q.; Qiu, Y.H.; Ge, J.K.; Lan,X.H.; Research and Realization of Extraction Algorithm on Web Text Mining, Workshop on Intelligent Information Technology Application , 2007.12, p278~281 EI Indexed: NO. 082511325660 & ISTP Indexed:NO. BHG39 11. 尹世群, 余建桥,葛继科,邱玉辉. 基于粗糙集的分类关联规则挖掘算法研究, 计算机科学, 2007.12, p171~174 12. Yin, S.Q.; Wang, G.; Qiu, Y.H.; Zhang, W.Q.; Research and Implement of Classification Algorithm on Web Text Mining, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Semantics, Knowledge and Grid , 2007.10, p446~449, EI Indexed: NO. 083511496854 13. Yin, S.Q.; Qiu, Y.H.; Zhong, C.W.; Zhou, J.F.; Research and Implement of Classification Rule Mining Algorithm Based on Attribute Reduction, International Conference on Wireless Communications,Networking and Mobile Computing , 2007.9, p5596~5599, EI Indexed: NO. 080311028524 & ISTP indexed: NO. 000262098303328 14. Yin, S.Q.; Qiu, Y.H.; Zhong, C.W. Zhou, J.F.; Study of Web Information Extraction and Classification Method, International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing , 2007.9, p5543~5547, EI Indexed: NO. 080311028511 & ISTP indexed: NO. 000262098303315 15. Yin, S.Q.; Qiu, Y.H.; Zhong, C.W. Zhou, J.F.; Study of Fuzzy Reasoning Model on Fuzzy Classification Assessment Knowledge System, ICFIE 2007 OPERATION RESEARCH, MANAGEMENT SCIENCE AND FUZZINESS, published by California Polytechnic State University, USA, 2007.5, p156~163 16. Wang, W.; Yin, S.Q.; Duan,X.F.; An Electronic Commerce Security Model on the Cloud Computing,ICCASM2011,2011.11, EI Indexing 17. Qin, J.; Yin, S.Q.; Research of Chinese Multi~pattern Fuzzy Matching Method for SMS Spam Monitoring, 3rd International Conference on Computer Design and Applications, 2011.5 18. Wang, W.; Yin, S.Q.; A Method of Solving Data Consistency of Disk Array Cache, 3rd International Conference on Computer Design and Applications, 2011.5 19. Liu,B.Q.; Yin,S.Q.; Zhang,y.; Research on Question bank Constructing and Automatic Marking Design for Network Open Examination System, 3rd International Conference on Computer Design and Applications, 2011.5 20. 秦小铁, 邱玉辉, 尹世群. 一种基于自学习的动态语义网络的图像检索方法, 西南大学学报(自然科学版), 2010.4, Vol.35, No.2 21. Chen, W.L.; Yin, S.Q.; Qiu,Y.H.; Schema Reasoning and Semantic Representation for Citation Semantic Link Network, The 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Information Technology Application , 2009.11, p366~369, EI indexed: NO.20101012757097 & ISTP 22. Ge, J.K.; Qiu, Y.H.; Yin, S.Q.; Web Services Composition Method Based on OWL, 2008 International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering , 2008.12, p74~77, EI indexed: NO. 20091211962700 23. Zhou, J.F.; Zhong, C.W.; Yin, S.Q.; Xie, J.F.; Multiple~GPUs Algorithm for Lattice Boltzmann Method, 08 International Symposium on Information Science and Engineering, 2008.12, p793~796, EI indexed:NO.20091311978214 & ISTP indexed:NO. 000263201700179 24. Ge, J.K.; Qiu, Y.H.; Chen, Z.Q.; Yin, S.Q.; Technology of Information Push Based on Weighted Association Rules Mining , Fifth internation Conference on Fuzzy System and Knowledge Discovery, 2008.10,p615~619, EI indexed:NO.090211845669 & ISTP indexed:NO. 000264268600122 25. Ge, J.K.; Qiu, Y.H.; Yin, S.Q.; Chen, Z.Q.; Semantic Similarity Measure Based on Ontology Hierarchical Tree, 4th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing , 2008.10, EI indexed:NO. 090111834131 & ISTP indexed:NO. 000263466102259 26. 周季夫,钟诚文,尹世群,解建飞,张勇. 基于GPGPU的LBM方腔数值模拟方法研究, 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报[J], 2008.7,p912~918 EI indexed:NO. 083211445033 27. Huang, Q.l.; Yin, S.Q.; Huang, Z.X.; A gossip~based protocol to reach consensus via uninorm aggregation operator, 3rd International Conference on Grid and Pervasive Computing , 2008.5, p319~330, EI indexed:NO.082411308059 & ISTP indexed:NO. BHT01 28. Wang, G.; Yin, S.Q.; Ma, Y.; Qiu, Y.H.; A Model of Service Selection Based on Semantic and Collaboration, Third International Conference on Semantics, Knowledge and Grid , 2007.10, p584~p585, EI indexed:NO. 20083511496854 29. Feng, N.Q.; Qiu, Y.H.; Wang, F.; Zhang, Y.S.; Yin, S.Q.; A logic analysis model about complex systems stability: Enlightenment from nature,, Advances in Intelligent Computing:International Conference on Intelligent Computing, 2005.11,SCI indexed:NO.BDC09 & EI indexed:NO. 05449443868 & ISTP indexed:NO.BDC09