

2022-05-25 10:45 作者: 审核: 浏览:

姓名: 王英 性别: 女 


学历: 博士 职称: 讲师 
部门: 计算机科学系
邮件地址:     [email protected]






 2020年至今 《信息技术概论》计算机科学与技术专业(师范)

2022年至今 《人工智能》计算机科学与技术专业

2009年至今 《Linux环境实践》计算机科学与技术相关专业



[1]Ying Wang, Quyuan Wang, Songtao Guo, et al. Deduplication-Oriented Mutual Assisted Cooperative Video Upload for Mobile Crowd Sensing[J]. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 20218月接收, 在线刊出 (CCF A 类期刊)

[2] Ying Wang, Yifan Dong, Songtao Guo, et al. Latency-Aware Adaptive Video Summarization for Mobile Edge Clouds[J]. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2020, 22(5): 1193-1207. (SCI 1 区收录, CCF B 类期刊)

[3] 王英, 黄旭东,郭松涛. 基于卷积神经网络的室内指纹定位算法[J]. 软件学报, 2018, 29(1):63-72. (国内A1 期刊, EI收录)

[4] Ying Wang, Yi Wang, Jing Wang, et al. An ontology-based approach to integration of hilly citrus production knowledge[J]. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 201511324-43. (SCI 2 区收录)

[5] 王艺, 王英. 柑橘肥水智能决策支持系统的变化预测方法及应用效果[J]. 农业工程学报, 2017, 16(33): 174-181. (国内A1期刊,EI收录)

[6] Yi Wang, Ying Wang. Citrus Ontology Development Based On Eight-Point Charter of Agriculture[J]. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2018, 155: 359-370. (SCI 2 区收录)

[7] Yi Wang, Ying Wang. A Survey of Ontologies and Their Applications in e-Learning Environments[J]. Journal of Web Engineering, 2021. (SCI 3区期刊)

[8] Sang Z, Guo S, Wang Q, Wang Y. GCS: Collaborative video cache management strategy in multi-access edge computing[J]. Ad Hoc Networks, 2021, 117(3):102516. (SCI 2区收录)

[9] Cheng L, Guo S, Wang Y, et al. Lifting Wavelet Compression Based Data Aggregation in Big Data Wireless Sensor Networks [C]// The 22nd IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS). IEEE, 2016:561-568. (EI收录,CCF C).

[10] Wang Q, Guo S, Wang Y, et al. Incentive mechanism for edge cloud profit maximization in mobile edge computing[C]// 2019 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC). IEEE, 2019:1-6. (EI收录,CCF C).

[11] Jiao J, Guo S, Wang Y, et al. Energy-Efficient Cooperative Scalable Video Distribution and Sharing in Mobile Social Networks[C]// 15th International Conference on Mobile Ad-Hoc and Sensor Networks (MSN). IEEE,2019:75-80. (EI收录,CCF C)
